Friday, December 11, 2009

Busy and lazy at the same time?

I didn't know it was possibly to be really busy, yet feel incredibly lazy all at the same time, but it seems that's the case as of late.

The semester is coming to a close. I rocked the final in my networking class, which was a great feeling. Had I flunked it, I would have felt very insecure about my current job lol. Now I just need to work on my final paper for my writing class. Blech.

My company is gearing up for our big move next week. It has been crazy busy. We'll be putting in wicked terrible hours next week and next weekend I'm sure. I'll be so happy when it's over.

So, yeah, that is the productive side. But with all of THAT going on, I'm staring December in the face with NO Christmas tree. I did not and probably will not make any Christmas cookies or send Christmas cards. The tree might make it up this weekend, but if it doesn't, I give up.

One would think that having 'Lil Bit around would fuel my Christmas spirit, but she'll probably tear all of the decorations off the bottom half of tree and/or knock it down anyway.

Sadly, I've also been procrastinating on final details in the wedding planning, including getting my dress altered. I should really get on that, lest I want to trip and fall or have a wardrobe malfunction.

I feel like this post is super I'll stop rambling and leave you with this picture. It's a geeky throwback to some "old" technology. You would not believe how many of these were in our server room....

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Power of a Necklace

Women of the world, I am going to tell you something so simple, yet so profound that it is going to boggle your mind. My friends, I have learned the power of the greatest accessory in a woman's arsenol of weaponry to look good - the necklace. Carefully chosen and properly worn, this simple piece of jewelry can cost $5 but make you feel like you're capable of stepping out into the world and making millions and conquering all.

It all started yesterday as I was getting ready for another day at the office. Since I have class on Tuesday nights, The Hunk is in charge of taking 'Lil Bit to daycare and picking her up on his way home. That normally means The Hunk gets the shower first while I spend some time with my girl. It also means that they are gone when I take my shower and get ready.

Yesterday, I took a few extra minutes to get ready. I took an extra long shower, dried my hair all the way instead of just halfway, and actually wore eye makeup, which I do infrequently during the week. I was feeling ok about how I looked. Then, on a whim, I decided to look through my stash of necklaces. I've been on a sort of necklace-wearing hiatus for the most part because of 'Lil Bit's grabby hands, but now that she's finally getting bored with things after just two seconds, it is easier for me to distract her from what's around my neck.

Can I just tell you that I own more necklances than I even knew I did? I have the nice ones that The Hunk has given me over the last couple of years. I have many, many strings of beads in all different shapes, sizes, colors, and lengths. I have a simple chain in both gold and white gold. Oh, and I have the obligatory cross.

Anyway, I opted for a jingly metal set of beads and rings in black, silver, pearl, and clear. Immediately after putting it on, I felt sassy. Put together. Ready to walk with confidence and kick some serious ass. Isn't that weird?

I've written posts on how many different directions I'm being pulled right now. I've complained about being tired. I've whiled about feeling worn down. Work life is hectic. School is draining. My website is stressing me out.

But today, I'm wearing a necklace (and my favorite pair of jeans, which are also important to a woman's arsenol), and dammit, I feel good.

Now if only the millions would start rolling in.....

Monday, November 23, 2009

Music For Cool Moms?

I'm taking a break from this hectic workday to have some lunch and come write. Although I have much to write about in terms of what's goin' on with the fam, I'm going to write about something fun.

This past weekend, The Hunk and I were out and about with 'Lil Bit, listening to the radio as we were driving around. As of late, I've been on this weird Indy rock and other unclassifiable music kick. For example, I'm in love with the White Rabbits. Sure, I came across them because one of their songs actually ended up on the radio, which makes it somewhat mainstream, but I still think they're Indy because of their sound and the fact that iTunes says so. :p I love their songs "Percussion Gun," "While We Go Dancing," and "Pilot."

Switching gears to a group that doesn't really fit any genre except perhaps Folk....Beirut. "Mount Wrocklai (Idle Days)" is a great song! I dunno why since it's rather repetitive, but trust me, it is.

Then, if you want to hear a punk rock band, opt for The Gossip with their lead singer that is clearly going to be famous just for her vocals and not her looks, which is quite refreshing actually. She certainly doesn't fit the stereotypical image of someone you'd find up on stage. Sadly, that's probably part of the reason not many people know about them. However, her voice is great, she has a nice rock star scream, and her songs give great advice. Check out "Fire With Fire." I like to belt it out as I'm driving. My voice isn't as edgy as hers. Must work on that. Ohhhh, you know who she reminds me of? Imagine a punked out Aretha and you've got The Gossip's front lady. Cool, no?

Let's see, what else do I have on my playlist? Oh, yes! We cannot forget Sia. Wow, Sia. This woman is said to be able to fill a huge auditorium using no amplification at all. I like to describe her lyrics as being "raw," meaning she puts it all out there for everyone to see. I cannot name my favorite Sia song due to fairly equal love for all, but a few that I find myself singing more often than not are "Sunday", "Death by Chocolate", "Breathe Me", and "Lentil." I don't fill an auditorium while singing her songs....just the car....but it works.

And something that I liked BEFORE it became mainstream (thankyouverymuch) due to its appearance on TV, Phoenix's "1901." It's, like, totally catchy and stuff.

Ok, so yes, if you're listening to these recommendations, you're probably getting whiplash. Seriously, you should see the craziness that is my iTunes.

Anywho, back to driving around with The Hunk. We stopped for lunch at Jose Peppers (you should hear how I'm saying it in my head as I type, it would crack you up) after hearing some other band I like on the local alternative station. As we walked up to the door, The Hunk informed me that just because I like Indy rock, doesn't mean I'll be "The Cool Mom" when 'Lil Bit gets older.

Maybe *I* won't be a cool mom since I'll probably be all disciplinarian and such, but at least I'll like good music.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Caffeine Works Better at Night

I had a Java Chiller from Sonic close to 10pm. That was not such a good idea. I'm wired! Luckily, I've been using my sudden energy burst on working on the forums for my brand spankin' new website!

I can't wait to share more details, but for now, I must prepare for the crash that will inevitably come.

Until next time,

Monday, November 9, 2009

I Heart Lists

Things are great over here in my corner of the world. As is usually the case, I've got a lot on my plate at once, so I'm just plugging along, trying to tackle bits and pieces of everything one thing at a time. Because I love lists so much, I thought I'd update everyone that way. Here's what I'm up to:

-Planning a destination wedding! That's right, The Hunk and I are tying the knot! Woo hoo! We're super stoked. Our ceremony is going to be on a beautiful beach in Siesta Key, FL. Since there won't be many guests, we're skipping a reception and just having a nice dinner at a restaurant afterwards.

-Finishing the semester at school. With only a month of school left, the semester is starting to wind down. It isn't any less demanding. In fact, instructors are crazily asking for longer and more in-depth assignments. Don't they know I have other things to do?! Admittedly, I haven't spend as much time on school over the past few weeks as I should have, so I need to do some catching up in order to be ready for my final in my Cisco class.

-Becoming an Aunt! My sister had her adorable baby girl on 10/29. Check out this pretty little face!

-Gearing up for a Website Launch! I'm launching a new website hopefully at the end of this month. Sorry, no details until after the launch, but it is going to be great! I'm very excited to be able to provide such a unique and wonderful service to others.

-Celebrating the unseasonably warm fall with the fam! The fall weather here in the Midwest has been gorgeous over the last few weekends. 'Lil Bit got to play in the leaves yesterday and really enjoyed it.

We also walked around an outdoor mall and went out for pizza. 'Lil Bit LOVES pizza!

Those are just a few of the happenings going on 'round here.

More to come later!

Until next time,

Thursday, October 22, 2009

A Baker's Dozen

Happy 13 Months, 'Lil Bit!

In light of her being 13 months old, here are 13 Fun Facts about 'Lil Bit.

1. Her favorite food is any kind of fruit - bananas, grapes, peaches, pears. She'll choose fruit over just about anything else.

2. Has four teeth fully in with two more that just broke through the gum.

3. LOVES to read books. How many one year olds do you know that will sit through two or three entire board books?!

4. Is super efficient at cruising the furniture but has yet to take those highly anticipated first steps.

5. Loves to be chased around the house, especially by her daddy. She squeals and giggles. It is very cute.

6. Still has her beautiful blues. The best way to describe her eyes is to have you all visualize the ocean. You know that really dark blue where the ocean meets the horizon? That would be the color of my girl's eyes.

7. Blabbers almost constantly. Dada, nana, gaga, baba and every great once in a while mama, though I sometimes think it is a conspiracy between her and The Hunk NOT to say mama. No words yet, but you'd think she was truly trying to say something by the amount of "talking" she does and how expressive she gets at times.

8. Is battling separation anxiety. :( She cries most mornings when I drop her off at daycare and even whines if I leave her sight or am just not close enough to her at home.

9. Is fairly independent (as long as she knows where Mommy is haha) and doesn't have a security blanket or lovey. She does, however, still sleep with her binky.

10. Is very into figuring out how things work like light switches, handles, levers, etc.

11. Sleeps from 7pm to 7am still, though she has fussed a couple of nights here and there in the last couple of weeks due to her molars coming in.

12. Is completely fascinated with the stairs.

13. Adds so much richness and color to her mommy's and daddy's lives that we cannot imagine our life without her.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Of COURSE I Have to Weigh In - Obama Wins the Nobel Peace Prize

Normally, I try to steer away from posting political views in public because, quite franky, I get tired of reading others', so I figure I'll spare everyone else from mine. However, I just have one statement to make about Barak Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize... It is like a beauty pageant where the pretty face that says, "I wish for world peace" is given the crown. Do you actually think she DOES anything to acheive her supposed goal of world peace? Heck no, just like Barak Obama had done nothing deserving of a Nobel Peace Prize nomination just weeks after being inaugurated. It makes no sense!

I have a vision that children aren't subjected to violence, that people don't go hungry, and that those who work hard should have ample retirement without having to cover the asses of those who do not work a day in their lives.

Now then, where's MY medal?

We Are Experiencing Technological Difficulties

As much as it pains me to write this entry, I promised The Hunk that I would. I've been putting it off for the past week.

My job requires me to participate in an on-call rotation. No, I'm not a doctor, but you would think so with the amount of "emergencies" we have to wake up for. This on-call duty (haha, I duty) was the entire reason I got my iPhone. (At least, that's what I tell everyone.)

When the update was finally released to allow picture messaging, I gleefully hooked up my iPhone and updated away without so much as a thought. Little did I know, the lovely iPhone Dev Team hadn't yet released the jailbreak for the new version of code I was putting on my phone. OH NOS!

When I finished the upgrade, my phone was no longer jailbroken and no longer able to be customized to be loud enough to wake my tired ass up in the middle of the night. Remember my WHOLE reason for getting the phone? Yep, there it went, and I was afraid my job would go right along with it if I didn't come up with a plan to hear any pages.

This is when The Hunk rode in on his white horse and rescued his princess. He so graciously offered to let me set up his phone to receive pages. However, as with anything, there came a price. He gave me so much shit for my iPhone not doing its job and having to rely on his technologically-prehistoric Motorola Q.

As an aside, this also reminds me of another time when he "won" and showed poor sportsmanship. The Hunk: if you're reading this, do you remember last Thanksgiving?

We played Cranium with my sisters and Uncle CAG after Thanksgiving dinner last year...girls against boys, and the guys won. The Hunk not-so-nobely got out the freakin' VIDEO CAMERA to TAPE my reaction to losing. LOL I love this man.

Thankfully, The Hunk came through for me and put up with the hundred or so pages throughout the week. I'm still waiting for the updated hack.....

Thursday, October 1, 2009

'Lil Bit Turns One

‘Lil Bit turned the big 0-1 last week. It is crazy to think that I’ve been a mom for a year. It’s one of those situations where you feel like it has gone by fast and slow at the same time. It’s hard to believe she’s already one, yet I feel like I adjusted to my role of being a mom so quickly that it makes it seem like it has been so much longer.

We celebrated her birthday by having a little party at our home. Both sets of grandparents were able to come, which is a huge deal since The Hunk’s parents live across the country. ‘Lil Bit even got to meet her great-grandparents who so nicely came from Ohio to be with us! They are wonderful people, and I’m so thankful to them all for making me feel like one of the fam. Plus, it was funny to see an older version of myself. The Hunk’s grandmother was cracking me up with her no nonsense attitude. I’m fairly certain that’ll be me…heck, it probably IS me already!
At any rate, the party was quite successful. I took advantage of the opportunity to try my hand at decorating a cake with fondant since there were plenty of people to help corral the little one while I baked and decorated. I was surprised at how good it turned out!

She also had a big pile of present to open, but really, she was all about the monkey bag that Cool Asian Guy got her because it laughed when you pushed a button. Way to go Uncle CAG!

Finally, I talked her into opening the bag, and she was even more excited about what was inside.

After we finished opening her presents, it was time for cake. We all stood around her in a semi-circle and began to sing "Happy Birthday." The look on 'Lil Bit's face was so funny. It was if she was thinking, "Now, what in the HECK are you all DOING?"

Then, she dug into her cupcake.

She was very messy by the time she was done. Cake was in her hair, in her nose, in her ear, all over her chest and belly, and even in her diaper.

The events of the party really wore her out, so I took her upstairs and rocked her, telling her how proud of her I am for being such a big girl.

I was a big girl, too. I only cried once. :)

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wiping off the Dust

Hello, friends! I'm so sorry for the delay in posting. My multifaceted adventures have been plentiful as of late, thus preventing me from keeping up with the blog. At any rate, I'm back, and I have much to tell!

Coming up...

'Lil Bit Turns One
We are Experiencing Technological Difficulties
Adventures in Siding Shopping

So stay tuned!

Until next time,

Monday, September 14, 2009

Meet Me On the Equinox

I heard Death Cab for Cutie's new single, "Meet Me on the Equinox" for the first time this morning. LOVED it.

Completely unrealated to the song but just as cool - no, make that COOLER - than the song is the fact that 'Lil Bit's birthday is next Tuesday, which happens to be the day of the autumnal equinox. An equinox is defined as either of two times of the year when the sun crosses the plane of the earth's equator and day and night are of equal length. I can tell you that day and night didn't matter during that time. :)

We're going to have her birthday party this Sunday at our house. She will be surrounded by family, food, and a (hopefully) pretty butterfly cake. Had I been thinking properly, I might have chosen to go along with an equinox/fall theme, but I think the butterflies will look really nice, and if you think about it, it fits with the first year of life. You bring home a tiny pink bundled up so tightly, it almost looks like they're in a cacoon. Like this:

Next thing you know, they're spreading their wings and starting to fly all around the house:

Next week, when the sun is perched at its highest peak, we will be celebrating our 'Lil Bit.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Oh LAWD! Very random post for a random-feeling day.

I was flipping through blogs when I came across the most disgusting, disturbing thing EVER.

I can't even tell you about it. It wasn't like "two girls, one cup" gross, but it was close. It was definitely not something I should have seen, especially while at work. I am scarred.

I think I'm a prude when it comes to things on the internet. And I'm ok with that.

This morning, I noticed something interesting on my way to work. The homeless guys that normally stand on Broadway and I-35 have been replaced by men holding signs that say, "HAVE A GREAT DAY!" Now, they could have been homeless as well, but they sure didn't seem like it. I wonder what happened to the other men...

The Hunk and I have a date on Sunday! It doesn't happen often since we are busy being parents and all, so I'm really excited.

I have been listening to Verve Pipe's "Photograph" all day. I'm afraid to look at the count, but I'm sure it is upwards of 20 times.

I'm completely convinced that Chipotle has healing powers. I've been battling a bit of a stomach bug the last few days, even missed two days of work (except for coming in at 4am the other morning...being on-call sucks). Today, I'm feeling better, and I think it's largely due to eating Chipotle for lunch. Yes, I realize it was risky to eat something so heavy, but dang it I was hungry after not wanting to eat for a couple of days. There are few things in life better than a burrito bol. I managed to make it through almost half of it. And now I'm really starting to feel better. Coincidence? No way.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Ghost of Relationships Past

In every relationship, there is a ghost of relationships past. It may manifest itself in many different ways - jealousy issues, trust issues, an ex-girlfriend that won't stop calling or e-mailing....

...or... if you're lucky enough to miss all that drama, it may manifest in the form of a the shape of a cat....

Yes, this friendly looking feline planter is on display in my house, and yes, it used to belong to The Hunk's ex-girlfriend.

Why would I possibly still have the thing when I could have easily "accidentally" broken it during the move we made last month? Because the only true way to conquer a ghost is to take away its power by acknowledging it and learning to live with it. It serves as an omen as well because I think we're very lucky that this is really the only ghost we have.

Oh, and this cat is funny. Check out the limp wrist. The Hunk occasionally mimics the limp-wristed pose and proclaims, "Gay cat! MEOW!" Oh, how he makes me giggle and snort.

The Bacon explosion stomach!

Behold the Bacon Explosion:

Not sure what you're seeing? Oh, it's a small newborn baby sized mound of sausage, bacon, and bbq sauce. Sounds heavenly, right?

This past Sunday was The Hunk's birthday. His best friend brought him a Bacon Explosion for his birthday. We couldn't believe our eyes. It was true and we didn't even have to make it. But if YOU want to, the recipe is at

We made plans to cook the Bacon Explosion the following night. I'm fairly certain that The Hunk dreamed about the night ahead, much like children dream about Santa's visit the night before Christmas. I, on the other hand, was scared.

As Monday night arrived, the whole family got ready to experience the Bacon Explosion, even 'Lil Bit!

Don't worry, no babies were harmed in this experiment. That is pureed green beans all over her face, not bacon grease. HA!

If you're not completely wrapped up in the moment like we were, take a look at this "classic" father-daughter moment:

Yes, The Hunk wanted a picture with his daughter and the newborn baby sized mound of meat. How much more manly can ya get?!

As the Bacon Explosion was warming in the oven (it comes pre-smoked), Cool Asian Guy arrived. We waited and waited, antsy with anticipation. Finally, it was time.

Don't they look excited?

CAG (Cool Asian Guy) was given the task of carving up the roll of bacon-y splendor.

This is the inside of the Bacon Explosion:

Birthday Boy, aka The Hunk, took the first bite:

By now you're all wondering, "So how was it?" Imagine biting into a greasy block of salt. Oh it was not good, and about halfway into the slice, I was breaking out into a sweat. Maybe my heart was about to stop? Maybe my blood pressure was going haywire due to all the sodium? MAYBE BOTH!

Despite the fact that it really wasn't as decadent as we had all imagined, I'm glad we got to experience such a novelty. We had a ton of fun and laughed until our stomachs hurt...or was that another explosion?

Until next time,


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

One month shy of a dozen

'Lil Bit officially turned eleven months old over this past weekend. She is one crazy cool little lady, and she even looks more like a little lady instead of a baby as the months fly by.

During her eleventh month, 'Lil Bit learned more ways of self-expression, which include clapping, jabbering (even more than previous months), snuggling (when she isn't too busy), and with volume and pitch. She loves to sing little songs to herself using two or three different notes. Her little voice is just so cute. I can't wait to hear her really learn to sing a little song or to hear her say "mama" and know that it is directed towards me instead of just being jibber-jabber. Oh, and I should mention that because she's my child, she has perfect pitch and a rather wide range. Ha!

'Lil Bit has also gotten even more mobile. Although she isn't walking yet, she's getting harder to keep up with these days. She is an expert race-crawler and is cruising the furniture like nobody's business. Really, if you try to redirect her, she acts like it isn't your business...unless you smother her with kisses as you're moving her, at which time she'll grab your face, your ears, or anything else poking out of your head and bury her face into you and she squeals. She really is crazy cool.

Sometimes I'm taken back by the fact that she is perfectly fine sitting in the floor playing by herself. It doesn't seem long ago when I was writing about how it was an accomplishment just to go to the bathroom during the day, and in those days if I got a shower, it was better than I think winning the Nobel Peace Prize feels. It doesn't seem that that child should be on such a path to being such an independent little girl. It is so hard to believe that we're just one month shy of a dozen. A year!

She really is crazy cool.

Friday, August 21, 2009

One little monkey jumping on the bed!

I've always said that I never want to be one of those uptight mothers that never lets her child(ren) experience anything, so this morning, I showed 'Lil Bit how to jump on the bed. No, she can't walk or jump by herself, but if I hold on to her hands and lift up as she does her little half-bounces, the result is an almost jump. Oh man, it was adorbale, and she loved flying up off the bed and then landing back on the bed on her little booty.

People at work have said I'm going to regret these types of teachings later. Last night, The Hunk, our parent educator with the Parents as Teacher's program and I all encouraged her to bang on things. Oh no! Not the furniture! Relax, take a deep breath. It's an old scratched up table that we plan on not replacing until we're old, gray, and done having kids, so go on, bang away.

While it might be true that I'll think twice later about these things, I say to them, "Lighten up!" She's not large enough to damage the bed. She's not by herself, so the chances of her hurting herself are small, and if she did hurt herself, so? Kids fall. It's how they learn. She needs to learn how to manipulate learn cause and's she going to do that if I don't give her the freedom to do so?

Maybe I'm too lax, but it is a vow I've made and plan on keeping - I will not be a boring, uptight mother. That's not to say she won't have boundaries and consequences for negative/unwanted actions, just that the world will not be off limits.

So, for now, there's one little monkey jumping on the bed. Let's hope she doesn't fall off and bump her head. ;)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The written equivalent of verbal vomit

Each day that I wake up, which thankfully, has been every day so far for the last 26 years and some odd days, I crave creativity. I ache to find the words, or a song, or a express the depth and breadth of what I am experiencing day to day. Some days - many days - I figure it out for myself. I make up a little poem in my head, make up a little tune to sing to 'Lil Bit while I'm feeding her or changing her diaper (the last one had something to do with her pretty blue eyes), or think of something fun and interesting to blog about. Today, however, is one of those days that I just can't find anything or do anything to say or show what's in my mind. It puts me in a maliciously melancholy mood.

Sometimes I feel it has to do with having such a technical job. I'm doing lots of techy things today. Most of the time, it's awesome, and I get a thrill out of being one of the few true geeky chicks that I know, though I must admit that I don't really know many people. Yet sometimes, it's too techy, in which case I long to do something creative, like write for a living, but I can't write enough or even well enough for that to work.

Hold the freaking phone! I think I figured it out just now... I feel like I know a little about a lot of things instead of really loving just one thing and feeling passionate about it. There is only one thing in this life that I feel intesely passionate about - my family. While there is absolutely nothing wrong with that, I just want to remain an individual as well, ya know? Am I even making sense? But I guess I feel like that which I'm truly good at has very little to do with me. I fuck shit up at work at times (gotta love those defect meetings), I write sub-part articles and stories or can't even think of anything to write some days, and I can't pipe a rose to save my soul. But hey, I'm one damn good mom and I think I'm almost as good of a partner as I am a mom. The Hunk would have to validate that last claim.

I think if I were to do something creative today, it would be to go home and dust off my old clarinet. I haven't played it for years. Hell, I may not even remember the fingerings for all of the notes, and the sound that came out might just be awkward squaks. But I'd try to play something intense and brooding today. Almost dark. No sheet music necessary...complete improv....but it would probably just be mediocre at best.

I suppose I should just be happy being average to slightly above average in many areas and accepting that my purpose might not be to be or do anything creative. Maybe my purpose is to do for others.

Monday, August 17, 2009

My Afternoon at the Spa

I spent Friday afternoon at Aveda's Par Exsalonce, enjoying the benefits of their "Rejuvenation" package, which includes a facial, 30 minute massage, and an express pedicure. Wow, did I feel rejuvenated!

After filling out a few short forms, I was taken back by Rachel, who performed my facial and massage. We walked into a small, dimly lit room with a massage table. There was a wicker chair with a bin filled with warm, bubbly water for soaking your feet. Soft music played in the background while sweet aromas filled the air. I was asked to change into a wrap and a robe.

The first service I received was the facial. Rachel worked with me to find the best treatment for my particular skin and then went to work. It was the first facial I'd ever gotten. I'll be going back for another one! It was great! My skin felt so soft.

Next, was the massage. This was also the first professional massage I'd ever gotten. At first, it almost hurt as she worked out the kinks in my shoulders and back. Apparently, I was quite tense and my muscles were all tensed up. After that, though, it was wonderful. I walked out of there feeling very relaxed...

...which is good because I had to wait 20 minutes before the lady came to do my pedicure. I'd had a pedicure before, but not one of this nature. She rubbed a salt mixture on my feet and legs to exfoliate and soften the skin. Well, it did that, but it also caused me to break out in a rash. Note to self and all those thinking of getting a pedicure: if they do the whole salt treatment thing, do not shave the night before. OUCH!

Overall, I really enjoyed going to the spa, even if I did itch for a few hours afterward. Ha!

Updated Review of the iPhone 3GS

Now that I've had the phone a little longer, I published an updated review:

Friday, August 14, 2009

A few words about "home"

It isn't the four sides of the house
It isn't the three coushins on the couch
It is the two people with whom I live in the house
That make this house one fine home

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Can anyone spot the fallacy?

I finally got all of our belongings moved out of the old house last night. Woo hoo! The majority of it was clothing. After huffing and puffuing up the stairs six or seven times, I finally got everything hung up in the closet, which boasts lovely his and hers sides. I simply threw everything on the bottom bar for simplicity's sake until I have time to go back and organize.

So, can you tell me what's wrong with these pictures?

This is my side:

Now that you've got that in your mind, take a look at The Hunk's side:

Wait a minute! Aren't WOMEN supposed to be the closet hoggers with the super big wardrobes and millions of pairs of shoes?

That's right, ladies and gentlemen, my man has more clothes than me. By far. It's sad, really.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Being All Domestic and Stuff

We're finally just about moved into the new house! Yippee! It's about time! There are still a few odds and ends at the old house, but we should have everything cleared up and cleaned up by the end of the week. I'll be so glad when we're done with this and can take a little break before diving back into the home improvement projects.

I have really been enjoying the new house so far. My new kitchen is so awesome. I've cooked dinner the last three nights on my flat top stove. It is nice to put oil in the skillet and have it STAY PUT instead of all sliding to one side of the pan.

I've also been unpacking boxes and boxes of all of our things, finding the perfect places for everything. I want to feel truly organized. That's the best part of moving - starting with a clean slate!

As I was telling a friend of mine about my newest endeavors, she said, "Wow, you're back to being all domestic and stuff." Heck yes.

I had really gotten rather lazy since having 'Lil Bit last year. Babies are a lot of work, and for the first several months, they really suck out all of your energy. However, now that she is sleeping through the night, taking regular naps, and doesn't require attention 24x7, I feel like I can get a grip on my household. I can start doing things like making decent dinners again instead of just buying the packaged skillet meals (though the Marie Calendar ones are very tasty, albeit not exactly healthy). Maybe we can actually hang some pictures up in this house to display our beautiful family portraits instead of having blank, drab walls.

I feel as if I'm not only starting with a clean slate as far as organizing the house goes. I feel like I am using our big move as an opportunity to start my life with a clean slate - to push a reset button of sorts. I miss my old domestic self, and I am excited that she's resurfacing. The Hunk and 'Lil Bit deserve it, too.

Until next time,

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

What's your One Thing?

Last year, around the time 'Lil Bit was born, my coworker's son was diagnosed with a tumor in his spine. He has been undergoing treatment at St. Jude's hospital in Memphis.

Throughout the last year, we've rallied together here and there in support of our coworker. Upon the diagnosis, we had fundraisers. Cards and flowers were sent. Donations were made.

As time went on, people stopped remembering to ask about Zachary. The donations and sympathetic gestures ceased. Until today.

I received an email from another coworker about an entry in the journal Zachary's parents keep about the St. Jude's Marathon in December. Zachary's aunt is walking in support of Zachary and all that St. Jude's has done for him. Again, everyone is quick to jump on the wagon to donate and support such a great cause.

I think it is wonderful that people band together in support of those they care about. However, it has me wondering... just how much different - no, BETTER - would the world be if people carried around that attitude on a daily basis instead of only in crisis?

One of the local radio stations has this segment called "One Thing." The purpose is to think of one thing you can do every day to help the environment. I propose everyone start thinking about One Thing they can do to show support for someone they care about, or if you're really feeling generous, something for a stranger. Not necessarily someone undergoing something as tragic as dealing with a sick child even, but something small, like surprising your friend with a mocha if they're having a rough day... or even if they're not.

So, what's your One Thing?

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Sometimes it be that way

Today is one of those days when I just plain feel burnt out on everything. It might have something to do with the little cold I have, or it could be the fact that my boss has been out of the office for the entire week, meaning I've been even more swamped than usual. Couple that with the big move that we're gearing up for and typical parenting duties, and you've got one overextended lady.

I've also noticed that I feel really, really tired most of the day. I even feel like I look really tired. I probably do! I stopped caring what I look like at any time, even when I got to work, which is not something I am proud of.

Instead of continuing to whine, I am going to come up with a game plan.

- Get more sleep. I usually do not make it to bed until at least 11:00. I'd like to push that up to 10:00 at the very latest. I've always required a lot of sleep in order to function, and I'm just not allowing myself that luxury.

- Exercise more regularly. I tend to do this in spurts. I'll go for weeks at a time without exercising one little minute. Then, I feel guilty about not exercising, so I overcompensate by exercising five times a week for a few weeks. Rinse, repeat. I need to figure out a way to be more consistent. My company is thinking of beginning group training sessions with a trainer from a local gym. Maybe from there, I can generate some workout/accountability buddies at work.

- Use my gift card to the spa that The Hunk gave me all that way back on valentine's Day. i could really use the relaxation and the break from everything.

- Give up the caffeine. It has been a vicious cycle. The more caffeine I drink, the more tired and run-down I feel.

- Eat better. I've gone back to eating anything and everything, not paying attention to whether or not it will make me feel energetic or bogged down. Case in point: This morning, I stopped at McDonald's and had a bacon, egg, and cheese buscuit and an orange juice. For lunch, I had a burrito bol at Chipotle. The Hunk made chicken, rice, and veggies for dinner. I washed both dinner and lunch down with soda. I do not want to think about the amount of calories I consumed, nor the amount of fat. I used to eat so much better, and when I did, I felt more energetic.

- Give myself a break. I'm not going to worry too much about these things until after we move. I tend to stress myself out very easily, so trying to change these habits in the middle of so many other things going on seems like a setup for failure.

-Treat myself to a little make-over. I want to do something different with my hair. I think it would be a nice way to feel refreshed in my looks. With tax free weekend being this weekend, I might get myself a few new things to wear to work. I need to put away the shorts and tennis shoes. I'm not conveying professionalism. I need to stop taking advantage of a casual dress environment and remember that it is still important to look decent for work.

Everyone has these days. It just seems like it has been months for me. I'm done feeling like crap.

Ok, I'm done with my pity party.

Until next time,

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Oh, Apple, how you disappoint and thrill at the same time

I finally purchased an iPhone 3Gs yesterday. As a whole, I'm pleased with my purchase, though there are VERY simple things that I cannot accomplish that I really feel I should be able to!

1. Changing email notification sounds - Yeah...when you're in IT this is muy importante! It needs to be loud enough to wake me up from a sound sleep, and I can't even hear it during the day when I'm wide awake if I'm in the other room. And you cannot change it AT ALL without jailbreaking the phone, which AT&T and Apple really frown upon of course. Party poopers.

2. There needs to be more options available for text message notification sounds. Same thing as my comment above, only instead of 0 options, there are 5 or 6, but none of them are very loud.

3. It doesn't multitask like the Pre does. This makes me very sad. I think I should be able to continue to listen to Pandora while I check email.

4. PICTURE MAIL! COME ON AT&T GET WITH IT! Such a simple function that is not available yet. The nice people at the Apple store said they heard it was supposed to be enabled by the end of summer. We shall see. Oh well, the camera isn't any better than my Treo's was anyway.

With that being said, I still really, really dig this phone.

1. It's pretty.
2. It's slim, so I can carry it around in my pocket without some weird, uncomfortable bulge.
3. Very, very cool apps, even freebies
4. Easy to jailbreak, so you can do some cool things, like OpenSSH, which is SO COOL if you're a geek.
5. Hey, what do you know - it actually rings!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

All Set for School!

I gotta give props to I just bought all of my textbooks for the two courses I'm taking. I saved about $25 compared to the campus bookstore, and I bought new bookes - not used. That also includes shipping, so I don't have to trek on down to the bookstore only to stand in line for about 30 minutes. It will save me a lot of frustration.

Last night, I went to the AT&T store to check out the iPhones. Not one single salesperson helped me. That's why I hate shopping at the AT&T store. They're always SO.DANG.BUSY and have very little help. I walked around for 20 minutes and not ONE single person even said "Hello, we'll be right with you." My presence was not even acknowledged. I can't even say it is terrible customer service because it would have to at least exist in order for it to be terrible. But no. It's a complete lack of customer service.

So... I will make my way to the Apple store today. Oh joy. It's getting harder and harder to hate Apple.

Oh, also, Office Max and Stapes are doing penny deals on school supplies right now. I bought 5 packs of filler notebook paper for a nickel. Awesome. They also have dollar deals. A pack of my favorite gel pens was a buck. You just can't beat getting all of your supplies for $5. It was a super sweet deal fo' sho'. Staples also gives you a $10 off coupon on your next purchase if you spend $50, but I didn't even come close to that!

This weekend is Missouri's tax free holiday. For those of you not in Missouri, check to see if your state participates and when by going to I'm probably going to go pick up some things for 'Lil Bit for this fall and maybe some clothes for next year since the summer clothes will all be on clearance. Gosh, I LOVE shopping, and I LOVE the tax free holiday! Mama needs a new pair of shoes!

Until next time,

Monday, August 3, 2009

Even I Know When to Take a Break

Today is my 26th birthday! To commemorate my birthday, I am doing absolutely NOTHING! (Well, I'm working...sorta...) No cleaning, no cooking, no painting. Nothing but enjoying my daughter and watching some mindless television.

The Hunk is vising a hospital in Georgia and will be back tomorrow. He sent me a fabulously mushy e-card this morning. I think my sisters are going to come over and hang out tonight so that I don't spend my birthday alone. It really makes no difference to me.

Yesterday, Daddy-o took me out to lunch. 'Lil Bit did fabulously! She was very well-behaved the entire time and cracking everyone up with her little quirks. She's hilarious! We went to Olive Garden, where I gorged on Chicken Scampi. Ever have it? You should. It's super good.

After that, we headed up to Nebraska Furniture Mart. Daddy-o gave me a gift card to use for my birthday. I purchased a huge clock, a couple of vases, and two Baby Einstein DVDs for 'Lil Bit. Then, we went back to my house and ate some sub-par cake. It wasn't so good. I will probably make my own this evening so it will be ready tomorrow to share with The Hunk. I'm going to try a new recipe for a lemon cake with raspberry filling. Yum! And since my sister took culinary arts and learned how to make roses, I'm going to have her show me what the heck I'm doing wrong.

Although I'm taking a break for the day/night, we do have a really busy week. We're getting carpet installed in the new house on Wednesday! WOO HOO! That means we'll be moving this weekend. Oh joy. Still, it will be nice to actually LIVE IN the house that we bought over 6 weeks ago.....

Welp, almost lunch time. Off to enjoy a delicious cheesy burrito with my awesome co-workers.

Until next time,

Sunday, August 2, 2009

HA! I got it!

Just as I said I would, I snapped a picture of 'Lil Bit this morning. The camera didn't have batteries, so I had to settle for a picture with my phone. Granted, it isn't the cutest picture since it is fuzzy and she is clearly not happy. Still, it cracks me up to walk into her room and see her standing up SO BIG! My girl is growing far too quickly!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

We Like to Party!

Part of the role of being domesticated involves party planning, and I've got TWO parties to plan for the month of September.

1. 'Lil Bit's FIRST birthday party! As you can imagine, I'm SUPER excited about this! This party is more of a celebration for Mom and Dad for getting through the first twelve months of parenthood than it is a birthday party since she is too young to remember. Still, I plan on having all of the staples - good food, a pretty cake, a little cake for her to eat, and fun presents! Since she's just turning one, it will be limited to family. I haven't yet pinpointed a theme as of yet.

2. Aunty C's baby shower! My younger sister is having a baby in November! I'll probably hold her shower either the last weekend in September or the first weekend in October - about six weeks before she is due. It might sound a little early, but considering the fact that I had 'Lil Bit three weeks early, I want to make sure Aunty C has plenty of time to make sure she is ready for the biggest change of her life.

Aunty C is having a baby girl, which started out as a teeny bit of a shock to her. She is tomboy and was a bit worried about how she was going to identify with a girl. However, when Aunty C was young, she used to LOVE having tea parties. Our mom, whom my niece is going to be named after (at least that's the plan for now), bought her a miniature tea set every year for Christmas. Therefore, in order to remind her that having a girl can be fun, too, I'm doing a tea party theme for her baby shower. I've been searching ebay for good deals on tea sets so we can have three or four different small sets with different types of teas in them. I'll also serve a variety of tea sandwiches, pastries, and a cake. I'm SO excited!

Friday, July 31, 2009

Helium is so cool! And this kind doesn't make you talk funny.

I recently signed up as a writer on It is SO addicting! The basic premise is that you search for titles you know about and submit original writings. There is also a creative writing section for works like poems, short stories, essays, and novel exerts. Even more fun is picking a pen name! I chose Lillian Jensen.

So far, I've only submitted three writings, but I spent the better part of the afternoon collecting titles and suggesting other titles.

With so many things going on in my life, my writing had/has really suffered as of late. I hope that this will encourage me to pick it back up again. I am not overly impressed with anything I've submitted yet, but I know it will come in time.

In the meantime, you can read my work here:

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Pandora Woes, A Stinky House, and Phone Wars

Here it is, July 30th, just one day shy of a month, and I've officially maxed out my 40 hours of Pandora usage. For those of you who have never used Pandora, it is an internet radio. I have been an avid fan for over two years now.

With the rise in royalty rates, Internet radio companies are beginning to have to adjust the amount of listening they offer for free. Pandora has instituted a 40 hour limit per month before they give you the option of paying $0.99 for the rest of the month or upgrading to Pandora One for $36 annually.

I was fairly certain I'd hit the 40 hour limit. I listen to Pandora quite frequently as I'm working away at my desk. I listen to it at home while I do chores. I was even excited at installing the Pandora app on my iPhone (whenever I get it).

I'm surprised that I lasted almost the entire month. I've really tried to ration my usage, but it's just so hard. Many of my friends and even my own fiance are being babies about the whole thing and switching to Slacker Radio. Lame! You can't even thumbs down songs or shelf them for a month.

I still really dig Pandora. I refuse to pay for it, though. So that's my cunundrum.

Last night, the Hunk and I went to the new house to do some more painting. He had gone the night before to spray some OdorBan stuff he bought to kill the lovely cat piss smell that has permeated every surface in the house. Ripping out the old carpet has helped, but you still get a whif of it every so often. As we walked through the house last night, we didn't smell any cat! Insert dancing banana icon here! However, our happiness was smashed to smitherines shortly after we turned on the air conditioner. The house smells like cat piss. Again. The Hunk and I are very, very discouraged. Our next step is to have all of the ducts cleaned. After that, I may just burn the whole thing down. Nah, just kidding.

The Hunk is up for a possible promotion at work soon. One of the perks would be a company cell phone. He thinks he's going to go with the new Palm Pre. I also get a new cell phone whenever I make up my mind. I am considering going with Apple's iPhone, just to spite the Hunk. Is that terrible? Haha! However, as a long-time self-proclaimed Apple hater, I'm having a hard time taking the plunge. I loved my Treo, but it is dying a slow and painful death. It doesn't ring anymore, nor does it play a notification when I get more than one email simultaneously, which tends to happen a lot when you're in IT. Sigh... poor little Treo. Either one seems like a great option for a multi-tasking fiend such as myself. But yeah, I think there are going to be some major competitions arising if I get the iPhone and the Hunk gets the Pre. I am looking forward to it!

Well, all, I'm off to do some work.

Until next time,

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Difference Between Mommies and Daddies

Each morning, my fiance and I (I still need to think of a clever way to refer to him here...hmmm....) take turns either taking a shower or tending to our daughter, 'Lil Bit. There are pros and cons to both scenarios. i find that it is easier to wake up for the day when I start my day with a scolding hot shower. I get to wake up slowly and gradually. Then again, 'Lil Bit is a morning person, and she's TOO freakin' cute when she first gets up and is SO excited to make your day with a beautiful two-tooth smile. This morning, it was my turn to take a shower first and his turn to give 'Lil Bit her bottle and change her diaper.

After I was all showered and dressed, I walked into the baby's room to say good morning. She was all curled up with Daddy in the rocking chair, happily gulping down Part I of her breakfast between fits of giggles when he would tickle her toes. I kissed her forehead, then his forehead, and then I was reminded of one of the differences between mommies and daddies.

"When I came in this morning, she was standing up in her crib, staring over the side, looking at her binkies" he explained.

Now, granted, I've seen her pull up on stuff many, many times, and I have many, many pictures. Like this one:

However, in a mother's eyes, it is a huge milestone to walk into your little tyke's room, only to find them greeting you in a standing position. You can bet your arse I would have taken a picture of this happening.

The difference here is that moms have to capture every single first with photographic evidence, while dads seem content filing it away in the recesses of their memory. Why do you think it is Mom that is usually in charge of updating the baby book?

So, yeah, until I get this monumental occasion on camera, there will not be any turn taking in the morning. I will drag myself out of bed, camera in hand, and I will sneak into her room, ready to snap the picture.

Call me crazy, but it's just the difference between mommies and daddies.

Monday, July 27, 2009

A Word About Band-Aids

As I said in my introductory post, I had to go to the pharmacy last night. Normally, I wouldn't blog about such a mundane event. However, there were a couple of funny caveats to this particular occurrence of said normally mundane event.

It was around 9:00pm last night when my darling hunk of a fiance came through the front door, holding a terry cloth towel wrapped around his finger. He had been at our new house, ripping up old carpet. See, we purchased a house in mid-June that needed new carpet, lots of paint, and just a ton of help in general. Fun times.

Of course, it isn't every day you see your fiance dripping with sweat, not because of the physical labor required to rip up carpet but because he feels like he's going to pass out from loss of blood, so I was instantly a little bit worried just looking at the blood stained cloth and his pale face. It's funny that I can watch shows on the Discovery Health Channel and think they are cool, but if I see a tiny bit of blood coming out of someone I remotely care about, I get a bit nervous.

I sat him down on the couch and brought him a glass of ice water. He asked me for a band-aid. Now, as any mom knows, band-aids should be a staple in any household, right? Would you believe that I did not have ONE SINGLE band-aid?! Immediately, I was stressed out. It's funny what things trigger stress in this MFW.

I grabbed some keys and hopped in the car, speeding down the road... to buy band-aids. Luckily, I did not get pulled over.


As I pulled up the CVS, there was a homeless guy sitting outside the door, asking for change. Instead of asking me for spare change, he asked, "Ma'am, is everything ok? You look like someone is about to die." "Sorry! Can't talk now. MUST.BUY.BAND-AIDS!"

He was quite nice. Oh, and did you know there are Band-Aids with antibiotic cream built in? How handy is that?!

After picking up the band-aids, I went over to the house to turn off lights. And as I opened up the garage door, this is what I saw:

What a mess! I mean, really, it's a good thing we're making some real progress on getting everything finished, but wow... this is one thing that band-aid of any sort, literal or figurative, won't fix.

The good news is that my house is now stocked with band-aids of all shapes and sizes. Crisis averted.

Until next time,

What I Am

Greetings! Welcome to the new digs! I hope you enjoy your stay. After much pestering from friends, I've decided to go public with my crazy antics, ridiculous aspirations, and helpful tidbits of information on how to properly be domesticated.

Yesterday, while on the way home from the pharmacy (more on that later), Edie Brickell's "What I Am" came on the radio, and I thought, "Wow, what a perfect thing to ponder for my introductory blog post." So... goes!

I am the typical multi-faceted woman. You see many of us walking down the street, perusing library shelves, grabbing a latte at Bucky's (and stashing the receipt in the trash so our significant others don't figure out that we are STILL spending way too much money on coffee), taking kiddos to Story Time at Barnes and Noble (hey, there's a Bucky's! How convenient!), picking up dry cleaning, taking classes, applying a new shade of lipstick... you name it, we're there. We're the career-minded, organizationally gifted, Super Moms and Super Significant Others. Or so it seems. On the outside, we look almost super human. Our hair is brushed, our clothes are not wrinkled, our kids are well-fed, well-dressed, and semi-well-mannered. But how do we do it?

For me, it is having the support of my wonderful fiance and knowing that I am not defined by how clean my kitchen is, how often I get my hair cut (wow, it's been quite a while...), or even how many times I've been promoted. It's finding the short-cuts where you can, but it is also not skimping on things you shouldn't.... like serving take-out on your finest china on a table set nicely with a real table cloth, fresh flowers, and maybe even a candle or two. You don't have to cook, yet you feel like the meal is special because the kid is in bed, and it's just you and your partner, munchin' on some chinese from Master Wok.

The truth is, we get by. We do the best that we can each day, and we've learned to settle for that. Some days it doesn't seem to be enough. Some days, I think to myself, "Gosh, I have about five more things on my to-do list that I really should do before I get to bed." Other days it's, "Today was hella productive! I am THE multi-faceted woman!"

If you look up the word faceted, the all-knowing Google will tell you that a facet is "a tiny surface polished onto a rough diamond that gives a finished diamond its shape. The way light interacts with these facets affects a diamond's brilliance and sparkle."

I think the same is true for women. We're "polished" - domesticated if you will - until we have so many surfaces that it is hard to see them all at once. But if they're polished in just the right fashion, the result is one fabulous diamond of a woman.

Until next time,