Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Being All Domestic and Stuff

We're finally just about moved into the new house! Yippee! It's about time! There are still a few odds and ends at the old house, but we should have everything cleared up and cleaned up by the end of the week. I'll be so glad when we're done with this and can take a little break before diving back into the home improvement projects.

I have really been enjoying the new house so far. My new kitchen is so awesome. I've cooked dinner the last three nights on my flat top stove. It is nice to put oil in the skillet and have it STAY PUT instead of all sliding to one side of the pan.

I've also been unpacking boxes and boxes of all of our things, finding the perfect places for everything. I want to feel truly organized. That's the best part of moving - starting with a clean slate!

As I was telling a friend of mine about my newest endeavors, she said, "Wow, you're back to being all domestic and stuff." Heck yes.

I had really gotten rather lazy since having 'Lil Bit last year. Babies are a lot of work, and for the first several months, they really suck out all of your energy. However, now that she is sleeping through the night, taking regular naps, and doesn't require attention 24x7, I feel like I can get a grip on my household. I can start doing things like making decent dinners again instead of just buying the packaged skillet meals (though the Marie Calendar ones are very tasty, albeit not exactly healthy). Maybe we can actually hang some pictures up in this house to display our beautiful family portraits instead of having blank, drab walls.

I feel as if I'm not only starting with a clean slate as far as organizing the house goes. I feel like I am using our big move as an opportunity to start my life with a clean slate - to push a reset button of sorts. I miss my old domestic self, and I am excited that she's resurfacing. The Hunk and 'Lil Bit deserve it, too.

Until next time,

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