Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Difference Between Mommies and Daddies

Each morning, my fiance and I (I still need to think of a clever way to refer to him here...hmmm....) take turns either taking a shower or tending to our daughter, 'Lil Bit. There are pros and cons to both scenarios. i find that it is easier to wake up for the day when I start my day with a scolding hot shower. I get to wake up slowly and gradually. Then again, 'Lil Bit is a morning person, and she's TOO freakin' cute when she first gets up and is SO excited to make your day with a beautiful two-tooth smile. This morning, it was my turn to take a shower first and his turn to give 'Lil Bit her bottle and change her diaper.

After I was all showered and dressed, I walked into the baby's room to say good morning. She was all curled up with Daddy in the rocking chair, happily gulping down Part I of her breakfast between fits of giggles when he would tickle her toes. I kissed her forehead, then his forehead, and then I was reminded of one of the differences between mommies and daddies.

"When I came in this morning, she was standing up in her crib, staring over the side, looking at her binkies" he explained.

Now, granted, I've seen her pull up on stuff many, many times, and I have many, many pictures. Like this one:

However, in a mother's eyes, it is a huge milestone to walk into your little tyke's room, only to find them greeting you in a standing position. You can bet your arse I would have taken a picture of this happening.

The difference here is that moms have to capture every single first with photographic evidence, while dads seem content filing it away in the recesses of their memory. Why do you think it is Mom that is usually in charge of updating the baby book?

So, yeah, until I get this monumental occasion on camera, there will not be any turn taking in the morning. I will drag myself out of bed, camera in hand, and I will sneak into her room, ready to snap the picture.

Call me crazy, but it's just the difference between mommies and daddies.

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