Thursday, August 13, 2009

Can anyone spot the fallacy?

I finally got all of our belongings moved out of the old house last night. Woo hoo! The majority of it was clothing. After huffing and puffuing up the stairs six or seven times, I finally got everything hung up in the closet, which boasts lovely his and hers sides. I simply threw everything on the bottom bar for simplicity's sake until I have time to go back and organize.

So, can you tell me what's wrong with these pictures?

This is my side:

Now that you've got that in your mind, take a look at The Hunk's side:

Wait a minute! Aren't WOMEN supposed to be the closet hoggers with the super big wardrobes and millions of pairs of shoes?

That's right, ladies and gentlemen, my man has more clothes than me. By far. It's sad, really.

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