Tuesday, August 25, 2009

One month shy of a dozen

'Lil Bit officially turned eleven months old over this past weekend. She is one crazy cool little lady, and she even looks more like a little lady instead of a baby as the months fly by.

During her eleventh month, 'Lil Bit learned more ways of self-expression, which include clapping, jabbering (even more than previous months), snuggling (when she isn't too busy), and with volume and pitch. She loves to sing little songs to herself using two or three different notes. Her little voice is just so cute. I can't wait to hear her really learn to sing a little song or to hear her say "mama" and know that it is directed towards me instead of just being jibber-jabber. Oh, and I should mention that because she's my child, she has perfect pitch and a rather wide range. Ha!

'Lil Bit has also gotten even more mobile. Although she isn't walking yet, she's getting harder to keep up with these days. She is an expert race-crawler and is cruising the furniture like nobody's business. Really, if you try to redirect her, she acts like it isn't your business...unless you smother her with kisses as you're moving her, at which time she'll grab your face, your ears, or anything else poking out of your head and bury her face into you and she squeals. She really is crazy cool.

Sometimes I'm taken back by the fact that she is perfectly fine sitting in the floor playing by herself. It doesn't seem long ago when I was writing about how it was an accomplishment just to go to the bathroom during the day, and in those days if I got a shower, it was better than I think winning the Nobel Peace Prize feels. It doesn't seem that that child should be on such a path to being such an independent little girl. It is so hard to believe that we're just one month shy of a dozen. A year!

She really is crazy cool.

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