Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Oh, Apple, how you disappoint and thrill at the same time

I finally purchased an iPhone 3Gs yesterday. As a whole, I'm pleased with my purchase, though there are VERY simple things that I cannot accomplish that I really feel I should be able to!

1. Changing email notification sounds - Yeah...when you're in IT this is muy importante! It needs to be loud enough to wake me up from a sound sleep, and I can't even hear it during the day when I'm wide awake if I'm in the other room. And you cannot change it AT ALL without jailbreaking the phone, which AT&T and Apple really frown upon of course. Party poopers.

2. There needs to be more options available for text message notification sounds. Same thing as my comment above, only instead of 0 options, there are 5 or 6, but none of them are very loud.

3. It doesn't multitask like the Pre does. This makes me very sad. I think I should be able to continue to listen to Pandora while I check email.

4. PICTURE MAIL! COME ON AT&T GET WITH IT! Such a simple function that is not available yet. The nice people at the Apple store said they heard it was supposed to be enabled by the end of summer. We shall see. Oh well, the camera isn't any better than my Treo's was anyway.

With that being said, I still really, really dig this phone.

1. It's pretty.
2. It's slim, so I can carry it around in my pocket without some weird, uncomfortable bulge.
3. Very, very cool apps, even freebies
4. Easy to jailbreak, so you can do some cool things, like OpenSSH, which is SO COOL if you're a geek.
5. Hey, what do you know - it actually rings!

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