Tuesday, August 11, 2009

What's your One Thing?

Last year, around the time 'Lil Bit was born, my coworker's son was diagnosed with a tumor in his spine. He has been undergoing treatment at St. Jude's hospital in Memphis.

Throughout the last year, we've rallied together here and there in support of our coworker. Upon the diagnosis, we had fundraisers. Cards and flowers were sent. Donations were made.

As time went on, people stopped remembering to ask about Zachary. The donations and sympathetic gestures ceased. Until today.

I received an email from another coworker about an entry in the journal Zachary's parents keep about the St. Jude's Marathon in December. Zachary's aunt is walking in support of Zachary and all that St. Jude's has done for him. Again, everyone is quick to jump on the wagon to donate and support such a great cause.

I think it is wonderful that people band together in support of those they care about. However, it has me wondering... just how much different - no, BETTER - would the world be if people carried around that attitude on a daily basis instead of only in crisis?

One of the local radio stations has this segment called "One Thing." The purpose is to think of one thing you can do every day to help the environment. I propose everyone start thinking about One Thing they can do to show support for someone they care about, or if you're really feeling generous, something for a stranger. Not necessarily someone undergoing something as tragic as dealing with a sick child even, but something small, like surprising your friend with a mocha if they're having a rough day... or even if they're not.

So, what's your One Thing?

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