Thursday, August 6, 2009

Sometimes it be that way

Today is one of those days when I just plain feel burnt out on everything. It might have something to do with the little cold I have, or it could be the fact that my boss has been out of the office for the entire week, meaning I've been even more swamped than usual. Couple that with the big move that we're gearing up for and typical parenting duties, and you've got one overextended lady.

I've also noticed that I feel really, really tired most of the day. I even feel like I look really tired. I probably do! I stopped caring what I look like at any time, even when I got to work, which is not something I am proud of.

Instead of continuing to whine, I am going to come up with a game plan.

- Get more sleep. I usually do not make it to bed until at least 11:00. I'd like to push that up to 10:00 at the very latest. I've always required a lot of sleep in order to function, and I'm just not allowing myself that luxury.

- Exercise more regularly. I tend to do this in spurts. I'll go for weeks at a time without exercising one little minute. Then, I feel guilty about not exercising, so I overcompensate by exercising five times a week for a few weeks. Rinse, repeat. I need to figure out a way to be more consistent. My company is thinking of beginning group training sessions with a trainer from a local gym. Maybe from there, I can generate some workout/accountability buddies at work.

- Use my gift card to the spa that The Hunk gave me all that way back on valentine's Day. i could really use the relaxation and the break from everything.

- Give up the caffeine. It has been a vicious cycle. The more caffeine I drink, the more tired and run-down I feel.

- Eat better. I've gone back to eating anything and everything, not paying attention to whether or not it will make me feel energetic or bogged down. Case in point: This morning, I stopped at McDonald's and had a bacon, egg, and cheese buscuit and an orange juice. For lunch, I had a burrito bol at Chipotle. The Hunk made chicken, rice, and veggies for dinner. I washed both dinner and lunch down with soda. I do not want to think about the amount of calories I consumed, nor the amount of fat. I used to eat so much better, and when I did, I felt more energetic.

- Give myself a break. I'm not going to worry too much about these things until after we move. I tend to stress myself out very easily, so trying to change these habits in the middle of so many other things going on seems like a setup for failure.

-Treat myself to a little make-over. I want to do something different with my hair. I think it would be a nice way to feel refreshed in my looks. With tax free weekend being this weekend, I might get myself a few new things to wear to work. I need to put away the shorts and tennis shoes. I'm not conveying professionalism. I need to stop taking advantage of a casual dress environment and remember that it is still important to look decent for work.

Everyone has these days. It just seems like it has been months for me. I'm done feeling like crap.

Ok, I'm done with my pity party.

Until next time,

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