Monday, July 27, 2009

A Word About Band-Aids

As I said in my introductory post, I had to go to the pharmacy last night. Normally, I wouldn't blog about such a mundane event. However, there were a couple of funny caveats to this particular occurrence of said normally mundane event.

It was around 9:00pm last night when my darling hunk of a fiance came through the front door, holding a terry cloth towel wrapped around his finger. He had been at our new house, ripping up old carpet. See, we purchased a house in mid-June that needed new carpet, lots of paint, and just a ton of help in general. Fun times.

Of course, it isn't every day you see your fiance dripping with sweat, not because of the physical labor required to rip up carpet but because he feels like he's going to pass out from loss of blood, so I was instantly a little bit worried just looking at the blood stained cloth and his pale face. It's funny that I can watch shows on the Discovery Health Channel and think they are cool, but if I see a tiny bit of blood coming out of someone I remotely care about, I get a bit nervous.

I sat him down on the couch and brought him a glass of ice water. He asked me for a band-aid. Now, as any mom knows, band-aids should be a staple in any household, right? Would you believe that I did not have ONE SINGLE band-aid?! Immediately, I was stressed out. It's funny what things trigger stress in this MFW.

I grabbed some keys and hopped in the car, speeding down the road... to buy band-aids. Luckily, I did not get pulled over.


As I pulled up the CVS, there was a homeless guy sitting outside the door, asking for change. Instead of asking me for spare change, he asked, "Ma'am, is everything ok? You look like someone is about to die." "Sorry! Can't talk now. MUST.BUY.BAND-AIDS!"

He was quite nice. Oh, and did you know there are Band-Aids with antibiotic cream built in? How handy is that?!

After picking up the band-aids, I went over to the house to turn off lights. And as I opened up the garage door, this is what I saw:

What a mess! I mean, really, it's a good thing we're making some real progress on getting everything finished, but wow... this is one thing that band-aid of any sort, literal or figurative, won't fix.

The good news is that my house is now stocked with band-aids of all shapes and sizes. Crisis averted.

Until next time,

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