Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Power of a Necklace

Women of the world, I am going to tell you something so simple, yet so profound that it is going to boggle your mind. My friends, I have learned the power of the greatest accessory in a woman's arsenol of weaponry to look good - the necklace. Carefully chosen and properly worn, this simple piece of jewelry can cost $5 but make you feel like you're capable of stepping out into the world and making millions and conquering all.

It all started yesterday as I was getting ready for another day at the office. Since I have class on Tuesday nights, The Hunk is in charge of taking 'Lil Bit to daycare and picking her up on his way home. That normally means The Hunk gets the shower first while I spend some time with my girl. It also means that they are gone when I take my shower and get ready.

Yesterday, I took a few extra minutes to get ready. I took an extra long shower, dried my hair all the way instead of just halfway, and actually wore eye makeup, which I do infrequently during the week. I was feeling ok about how I looked. Then, on a whim, I decided to look through my stash of necklaces. I've been on a sort of necklace-wearing hiatus for the most part because of 'Lil Bit's grabby hands, but now that she's finally getting bored with things after just two seconds, it is easier for me to distract her from what's around my neck.

Can I just tell you that I own more necklances than I even knew I did? I have the nice ones that The Hunk has given me over the last couple of years. I have many, many strings of beads in all different shapes, sizes, colors, and lengths. I have a simple chain in both gold and white gold. Oh, and I have the obligatory cross.

Anyway, I opted for a jingly metal set of beads and rings in black, silver, pearl, and clear. Immediately after putting it on, I felt sassy. Put together. Ready to walk with confidence and kick some serious ass. Isn't that weird?

I've written posts on how many different directions I'm being pulled right now. I've complained about being tired. I've whiled about feeling worn down. Work life is hectic. School is draining. My website is stressing me out.

But today, I'm wearing a necklace (and my favorite pair of jeans, which are also important to a woman's arsenol), and dammit, I feel good.

Now if only the millions would start rolling in.....


  1. the millions are next ;)
    And hmmm, I'm going to have to add a necklace to my outfit today :)

  2. OMG! A COMMENT! I don't get many, so I get SUPER excited when someone comes and leaves me a note!

    You should totally try it!
