Thursday, October 1, 2009

'Lil Bit Turns One

‘Lil Bit turned the big 0-1 last week. It is crazy to think that I’ve been a mom for a year. It’s one of those situations where you feel like it has gone by fast and slow at the same time. It’s hard to believe she’s already one, yet I feel like I adjusted to my role of being a mom so quickly that it makes it seem like it has been so much longer.

We celebrated her birthday by having a little party at our home. Both sets of grandparents were able to come, which is a huge deal since The Hunk’s parents live across the country. ‘Lil Bit even got to meet her great-grandparents who so nicely came from Ohio to be with us! They are wonderful people, and I’m so thankful to them all for making me feel like one of the fam. Plus, it was funny to see an older version of myself. The Hunk’s grandmother was cracking me up with her no nonsense attitude. I’m fairly certain that’ll be me…heck, it probably IS me already!
At any rate, the party was quite successful. I took advantage of the opportunity to try my hand at decorating a cake with fondant since there were plenty of people to help corral the little one while I baked and decorated. I was surprised at how good it turned out!

She also had a big pile of present to open, but really, she was all about the monkey bag that Cool Asian Guy got her because it laughed when you pushed a button. Way to go Uncle CAG!

Finally, I talked her into opening the bag, and she was even more excited about what was inside.

After we finished opening her presents, it was time for cake. We all stood around her in a semi-circle and began to sing "Happy Birthday." The look on 'Lil Bit's face was so funny. It was if she was thinking, "Now, what in the HECK are you all DOING?"

Then, she dug into her cupcake.

She was very messy by the time she was done. Cake was in her hair, in her nose, in her ear, all over her chest and belly, and even in her diaper.

The events of the party really wore her out, so I took her upstairs and rocked her, telling her how proud of her I am for being such a big girl.

I was a big girl, too. I only cried once. :)

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