Thursday, October 22, 2009

A Baker's Dozen

Happy 13 Months, 'Lil Bit!

In light of her being 13 months old, here are 13 Fun Facts about 'Lil Bit.

1. Her favorite food is any kind of fruit - bananas, grapes, peaches, pears. She'll choose fruit over just about anything else.

2. Has four teeth fully in with two more that just broke through the gum.

3. LOVES to read books. How many one year olds do you know that will sit through two or three entire board books?!

4. Is super efficient at cruising the furniture but has yet to take those highly anticipated first steps.

5. Loves to be chased around the house, especially by her daddy. She squeals and giggles. It is very cute.

6. Still has her beautiful blues. The best way to describe her eyes is to have you all visualize the ocean. You know that really dark blue where the ocean meets the horizon? That would be the color of my girl's eyes.

7. Blabbers almost constantly. Dada, nana, gaga, baba and every great once in a while mama, though I sometimes think it is a conspiracy between her and The Hunk NOT to say mama. No words yet, but you'd think she was truly trying to say something by the amount of "talking" she does and how expressive she gets at times.

8. Is battling separation anxiety. :( She cries most mornings when I drop her off at daycare and even whines if I leave her sight or am just not close enough to her at home.

9. Is fairly independent (as long as she knows where Mommy is haha) and doesn't have a security blanket or lovey. She does, however, still sleep with her binky.

10. Is very into figuring out how things work like light switches, handles, levers, etc.

11. Sleeps from 7pm to 7am still, though she has fussed a couple of nights here and there in the last couple of weeks due to her molars coming in.

12. Is completely fascinated with the stairs.

13. Adds so much richness and color to her mommy's and daddy's lives that we cannot imagine our life without her.

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