Thursday, October 22, 2009

A Baker's Dozen

Happy 13 Months, 'Lil Bit!

In light of her being 13 months old, here are 13 Fun Facts about 'Lil Bit.

1. Her favorite food is any kind of fruit - bananas, grapes, peaches, pears. She'll choose fruit over just about anything else.

2. Has four teeth fully in with two more that just broke through the gum.

3. LOVES to read books. How many one year olds do you know that will sit through two or three entire board books?!

4. Is super efficient at cruising the furniture but has yet to take those highly anticipated first steps.

5. Loves to be chased around the house, especially by her daddy. She squeals and giggles. It is very cute.

6. Still has her beautiful blues. The best way to describe her eyes is to have you all visualize the ocean. You know that really dark blue where the ocean meets the horizon? That would be the color of my girl's eyes.

7. Blabbers almost constantly. Dada, nana, gaga, baba and every great once in a while mama, though I sometimes think it is a conspiracy between her and The Hunk NOT to say mama. No words yet, but you'd think she was truly trying to say something by the amount of "talking" she does and how expressive she gets at times.

8. Is battling separation anxiety. :( She cries most mornings when I drop her off at daycare and even whines if I leave her sight or am just not close enough to her at home.

9. Is fairly independent (as long as she knows where Mommy is haha) and doesn't have a security blanket or lovey. She does, however, still sleep with her binky.

10. Is very into figuring out how things work like light switches, handles, levers, etc.

11. Sleeps from 7pm to 7am still, though she has fussed a couple of nights here and there in the last couple of weeks due to her molars coming in.

12. Is completely fascinated with the stairs.

13. Adds so much richness and color to her mommy's and daddy's lives that we cannot imagine our life without her.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Of COURSE I Have to Weigh In - Obama Wins the Nobel Peace Prize

Normally, I try to steer away from posting political views in public because, quite franky, I get tired of reading others', so I figure I'll spare everyone else from mine. However, I just have one statement to make about Barak Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize... It is like a beauty pageant where the pretty face that says, "I wish for world peace" is given the crown. Do you actually think she DOES anything to acheive her supposed goal of world peace? Heck no, just like Barak Obama had done nothing deserving of a Nobel Peace Prize nomination just weeks after being inaugurated. It makes no sense!

I have a vision that children aren't subjected to violence, that people don't go hungry, and that those who work hard should have ample retirement without having to cover the asses of those who do not work a day in their lives.

Now then, where's MY medal?

We Are Experiencing Technological Difficulties

As much as it pains me to write this entry, I promised The Hunk that I would. I've been putting it off for the past week.

My job requires me to participate in an on-call rotation. No, I'm not a doctor, but you would think so with the amount of "emergencies" we have to wake up for. This on-call duty (haha, I duty) was the entire reason I got my iPhone. (At least, that's what I tell everyone.)

When the update was finally released to allow picture messaging, I gleefully hooked up my iPhone and updated away without so much as a thought. Little did I know, the lovely iPhone Dev Team hadn't yet released the jailbreak for the new version of code I was putting on my phone. OH NOS!

When I finished the upgrade, my phone was no longer jailbroken and no longer able to be customized to be loud enough to wake my tired ass up in the middle of the night. Remember my WHOLE reason for getting the phone? Yep, there it went, and I was afraid my job would go right along with it if I didn't come up with a plan to hear any pages.

This is when The Hunk rode in on his white horse and rescued his princess. He so graciously offered to let me set up his phone to receive pages. However, as with anything, there came a price. He gave me so much shit for my iPhone not doing its job and having to rely on his technologically-prehistoric Motorola Q.

As an aside, this also reminds me of another time when he "won" and showed poor sportsmanship. The Hunk: if you're reading this, do you remember last Thanksgiving?

We played Cranium with my sisters and Uncle CAG after Thanksgiving dinner last year...girls against boys, and the guys won. The Hunk not-so-nobely got out the freakin' VIDEO CAMERA to TAPE my reaction to losing. LOL I love this man.

Thankfully, The Hunk came through for me and put up with the hundred or so pages throughout the week. I'm still waiting for the updated hack.....

Thursday, October 1, 2009

'Lil Bit Turns One

‘Lil Bit turned the big 0-1 last week. It is crazy to think that I’ve been a mom for a year. It’s one of those situations where you feel like it has gone by fast and slow at the same time. It’s hard to believe she’s already one, yet I feel like I adjusted to my role of being a mom so quickly that it makes it seem like it has been so much longer.

We celebrated her birthday by having a little party at our home. Both sets of grandparents were able to come, which is a huge deal since The Hunk’s parents live across the country. ‘Lil Bit even got to meet her great-grandparents who so nicely came from Ohio to be with us! They are wonderful people, and I’m so thankful to them all for making me feel like one of the fam. Plus, it was funny to see an older version of myself. The Hunk’s grandmother was cracking me up with her no nonsense attitude. I’m fairly certain that’ll be me…heck, it probably IS me already!
At any rate, the party was quite successful. I took advantage of the opportunity to try my hand at decorating a cake with fondant since there were plenty of people to help corral the little one while I baked and decorated. I was surprised at how good it turned out!

She also had a big pile of present to open, but really, she was all about the monkey bag that Cool Asian Guy got her because it laughed when you pushed a button. Way to go Uncle CAG!

Finally, I talked her into opening the bag, and she was even more excited about what was inside.

After we finished opening her presents, it was time for cake. We all stood around her in a semi-circle and began to sing "Happy Birthday." The look on 'Lil Bit's face was so funny. It was if she was thinking, "Now, what in the HECK are you all DOING?"

Then, she dug into her cupcake.

She was very messy by the time she was done. Cake was in her hair, in her nose, in her ear, all over her chest and belly, and even in her diaper.

The events of the party really wore her out, so I took her upstairs and rocked her, telling her how proud of her I am for being such a big girl.

I was a big girl, too. I only cried once. :)