Monday, August 2, 2010

So, my birthday is tomorrow....

....and this is what I want.

And it is on sale! For $199 I could have the whole thing. Down from $731. Look at that discount! tempting.

The Hunk and I are always joking about how I'm going to be a hoarder once our kid(s) move out of the house in 20-some years, depending on when we decide to procreate a second time. I've decided he's right and that I'm going to hoard China. He better prepare himself. Stacks and stacks of plates, bowls, tea cups, and gravy boats are in his future


  1. Hi there! This is Megan from Mikasa. We love that you added the Parchment Pattern to your birthday wish list. It's a very versatile set!

    We're going to feature your blog on our Facebook and Twitter today, so be sure to fan us! Do you have a Twitter account? We would love to follow you as well.

    Happy belated birthday! Hope you got what you wished for :)

  2. Hi, Meg! That is so cool that you linked my blog on your Facebook page! I feel famous!

    The Hunk did not get me the Parchment Pattern as of yet. I got a bike instead, which was also really sweet of him. Still, I'm coveting the set and will most certainly give in to temptation soon!
