Thursday, February 18, 2010

Things I Learned from Core Synergistics

Did you know you use your ab muscles for just about everything? Walking, balance, raising your arms, coughing, laughing, and probably even farting, though as far as you all know, I don't do that because I'm a lady. ;)

The Hunk and I did the first workout of the P90X Lean program last night, which is Core Synergistics. I wasn't convinced that doing lunges and pushups and some crazy-ass superman/banana shit would work out my core muscles, but today I notice little twinges in my ab mucles when I do simple things listed above. I mean, really, raise your arms above your head right now. It takes AB MUSCLES TO DO THAT! Weird.

At any rate, the workout was intense. I was breathing heavy, sweating, tired, and really just chewed up and spit out in the living room floor by the time the hour was up. It felt like a small win just to get it done. I just need to maintain that mentality for the next 89 days. LOL

I'm still gathering pre-P90X info, like before pictures and measurements so I have a benchmark to compare at the end of this whole maddening process. I haven't decided if I'm going to post them here or not... On one hand, it would be good motivation. On the other hand, it would be embarrassing!

Tonight is Cardio X....

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