Sunday, February 7, 2010

MFW Gets Married Part 2

I left off part 1 of this wedding recap with a missing photographer. I should preface this with another short blurb… Just two days before the wedding, I received an email from said photographer asking where and what time the wedding was!! Oh.My.Gawd. How in the world did we get this far without ever discussing where and when she was supposed to meet us?! I am still in awe of that.

Finally, as I’m trying to get used to the idea of starting the ceremony with no professional photographer (after all, there were a minimum of five cameras between our guests), I happen to glance down the beach to see a girl walking extremely fast, with her camera bag flapping against her side. Whew! Crisis averted!

With everyone finally there, it was time to begin the ceremony. First, I walked back up the beach in order to prepare for my grand entrance.

As I stood at the boardwalk, waiting for the officiant to give me a wave when she was ready, I expected to feel nervous. After all, this was a lifetime committment I was about to make! However, instead of feeling nervous, I stood there with peaceful resolve. I knew that I was making the right decision to marry The Hunk.

When we found out I was pregnant with 'Lil Bit, we made a promise to one another that we would never get married solely for the sake of our child. Instead, we would wait until we were sure that we wanted to get married for no other reason than just to be with each other in the most sacred of unions. I felt that we were doing just that.

After I took a moment to ponder this, I saw the officiant wave. The photographer was already snapping photos of me standing at the boardwalk, and I let her know "This is it. Here we go."

I could hear the traditional Wedding March playing as I walked through the soft floury sand, but as I got closer to where The Hunk was standing, ironically, the music started fading instead of getting louder. I was so focused on looking straight into the eyes of the man I was about to marry, to try to speak with him as intently as possible without saying a word. Finally, I stood before him, placed my bouquet on the ground, and mouthed, "I love you" as we waited for the music to stop.

The ceremony began with a quote from William Shakespeare, "My bounty is as boundless as the sea,my love as deep: the more I give to thee,the more I have, for both are infinite." It was a great way to set the tone of our quaint little wedding.

After asking if we were ready to committ ourselves to one another, we said our vows. Both of us got a very teary-eyed and choked up as we made these promises to each other.

Once our vows were said, we were each given a bottle of sand. The officiant spoke of how our individual lives were now blended together. Our families are joined, our friends are joined, everything. We then poured our bottles into a bigger container, which now sits on our fireplace mantle.

Finally, the officiant pronnounced us husband and wife and family! We sealed it with a kiss. Or two or three. :)

And with that we were husband and wife.

Husband and wife!

The officiant kicked off a lively song while our families congratulated us....and then the CD began skipping. HA! I don't know what it is, but no matter what little slip-ups happen, The Hunk and I can always muster a laugh, although this time it didn't take much mustering at all. It was just damn funny.

Following the ceremony, we got some photos with our family. As we were taking photos, the officant said, "Where's the marriage license? I need to sign it." Guess what genius left the marriage license in the rental car?! Yep, you guessed it. Me. So while The Hunk and went to take our pictures, his family went to the restaurant, and my family went to grab the license and get it signed. Another close one!

Sadly, we didn't get as much time for pictures as I would have liked, but we had dinner reservations to make. I am trying to be patient in waiting to see the final product, but it is so hard! I'm really hoping she can tone down that horrible sunburn I so stupidly got. She did send me this awesome sneak peek!

I am so very thankful that so many of our closest family members and our best friend got to be there to share in our joy. I know it meant a lot for The Hunk's grandmother to get to see one of her grandchildren to get married!

Now for some awesomely funny pictures, MFW style!

I look like a super crazy lady with this giant knife, red eyes, and wild smile!

When trying to get a nice picture with my daughter, she decided to climb up me instead of just cooperating.

As usual, messing up what would have been an otherwise lovely picture:

But I don't always mess up pictures. I love this picture with The Hunk's grandparents. They are such sweet people.

Even with so many near misses, the ceremony and dinner were exactly what we had hoped for - a meaningful celebration of love, family, and downright fun. Oh, and I got to play princess for a day. What girl doesn't like that? ;)

Until next time,

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