Thursday, February 4, 2010

MFW Gets Married Part 1

As I sit here on the couch, wearing The Hunk’s red track pants with the rattiest t-shirt I own, I can’t help but feel pretty. My husband has that affect on me, even when he isn’t here.


The day The Hunk and I got married started out like any typical Florida vacation day. We woke up, had breakfast with our friend Cool Asian Guy (CAG), and headed to the beach. Perhaps most would feel a little disappointment at the clouds in the sky, but not me. I love the fact that the ocean looks, feels, sounds, and smells different each day.

We spent the next couple of hours collecting sea shells and having an unofficial contest to see who could wade deeper in the water. The water was so chilly that it actually made our muscles cramp up for just a little bit before going numb. It is an extreme case of “getting used to the water.” If you’re wondering who won the “contest,” it was me. I managed to make it until the water hit mid-thigh.

Following the beach, we decided to have lunch at the Old Salty Dog, a small waterfront restaurant featured on Man vs Food. Helga, our less-than-trusty GPS, managed to get us lost on the way there. It was almost 1:30pm by the time we got there. I should mention at this point that we still needed to pick up the cake and drop it off at the restaurant, pick up flowers, make the bouquet, iron The Hunk’s shirt, take showers, and make my appointment at 3pm to have my hair and make-up done. My head started to throb, but I managed to enjoy lunch and not stress out. I knew that no matter what happened, at the end of the day, The Hunk and I would become husband and wife.


By the time we finished lunch and made it back to the hotel, the clock read 2:30. I took the fastest shower in history while The Hunk and CAG took the car to get gas, only to have bad luck with Helga yet again, only to end up at an empty gas station. They finally fueled up the car and made it back to drop the car off at 3:05. Yes, at this point I was already late for my hair and makeup appointment. Surprisingly, I wasn’t mad or even stressed. I simply got in the car, started driving, and called the salon. They were running late anyway, so it mattered very little that I was as well.

The stylist and makeup artists worked quickly, all the while commenting on how calm I was considering how late I was running for a 5:30 ceremony. “Eh, it’ll be ok,” I reassured them.

While I was at the salon, the boys went to pick up the cake. Where we live, you can get anywhere by hopping on the highway. In Sarasota, however, there is no easy highway access. It is all city streets. Very busy city streets with lots of congestion and lonnnnng stoplights. It meant that driving to places took twice as long as you thought that it should.

After I finished up at the salon and made my way to my dad’s hotel to put my dress on, I realized that I had never gotten the flowers! WHOOPS! Luckily, there was a Pulix on my way. I parked the car in the back forty and ran into the store with my fancy hair doo and expertly applied makeup while wearing shorts and a tank top. I turned many heads, that’s for sure. The floral department was just inside the door, so I hurried and grabbed three bunches of flowers and made my way to the check on line. Oh, shit! My wallet is in the car!

The woman at the register, who was wearing way too much not-so-great smelling perfume and a look of boredom on her hollow face, was not pleased. I threw the flowers down, asked her to hold them, and ran out to the car. Grabbed wallet, ran back, all the while receiving funny glances from passersby and fellow Publix shoppers.

I finally made it back to the car and on my way to my dad’s hotel at 4:57pm. At that time, my husband called to tell me he wasn’t going to make it to the beach by 5:15. “You’re going to be late for your own wedding?!” I then shut my mouth because I was, too! Still, the officiant and all of The Hunk’s family were just waiting on the beach, totally unsure if they even had the right spot.

When I replay the events that occurred in my dad’s hotel, I can’t help but laugh. My dad’s girlfriend and my sister helped me into my dress, put on my jewelry, positioned hair pins, and tied a bouquet all in the span of about fifteen minutes. We must have looked like a movie stuck on fast-forward!

After I was dressed and ready to go, I stopped and looked at myself in the mirror in silence. I wanted to remember exactly how I felt and looked at that very moment. I do remember, but it’s difficult to think of the right words to describe it. I think the best way to describe it at this point is to say that I felt that I finally looked as beautiful as The Hunk makes me feel every day. I finally saw myself how he sees me. Cheesy? Yes. But true.

We finally made it to the beach right at 5:30, when the ceremony was supposed to start. The Hunk and I reunited, each just beaming with excitement. Of course, 'Lil Bit, who had been staying with her grandparents was also excited to see us.

Now, everyone was there and ready to get the party started! ...Everyone except the photographer...

stay tuned....

Until next time,

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