Monday, February 14, 2011

Our Own Romantic Comedy

While I'm not typically a fan of Valentine's Day, I do find myself thinking about The Hunk even more than usual today, especially since it reminds me of a funny story.

Three Valentine's Days ago, The Hunk and I were just a few months into our relationship. He was out of town at a client visit, but he was coming back later that night. Since I knew he'd be tired, I offered to cook him dinner, and I even went so far as to say he could bring some laundry over and I'd wash it for him. (I know, right?! I was definitely in the mood to impress.) He thought that was pretty silly of me to offer.

Anyway, we had a nice dinner at my place, and I'd gotten flowers at work earlier in the day.

But this post doesn't even really have anything to do with Valentine's Day. Really, it's more about clothing and laundry and the lengths that some will go to prove a point.

I've posted before about how my husband's wardrobe far surpasses that of my own. I may have even mentioned the fact that he doesn't even wear at least 2/3 of what is hanging in the closet. His excuse when we first moved in together back in the summer of 2008 was that the shirts needed to be ironed. I said I'd do it, but he protested.

Fast forward to this past fall. I FINALLY got sick of looking at his side of the closet and took down all of those shirts. I washed, dried, and ironed all of them. I counted 20-something. (I can't remember the exact number.) Since then, my friends, he has worn maybe 4 of them. That leaves at least 20 shirts that he STILL hasn't worn since I've known him.

It's funny, this little story. Why? Because either way, we both win. Now that he hasn't worn them, I can say "I told you so." But he wins, too, because I did all that work for nothing and he can laugh about it. Had he been wearing the shirts, I still would have won because all that work would have been worth something instead of being an almost-waste of time. And he'd be winning still because he'd have tripled the number of shirts he wears regularly.

The reason I share this anecdote is to illustrate how funny our life together can be sometimes. I normally despise romantic comedies and refuse to watch them, unless it is "Serendipity", "The Notebook", or "Elizabethtown" (Heath Ledger looked darn hot in that movie, don't you think? May he RIP....), but I really love being right along side him, laughing at every turn we take. From the day we drunkenly said "I love you" on New Year's (I still don't know who said it first, though I suppose that doesn't matter) to the day I rode to my wedding ceremony running 15 minutes late while listening to "Eye of the Tiger", we find humor in our every day situations.

Oh, and let us not forget him backing into the neigbor's trailer on our way out to our anniversary date.... (Man, that makes me snort every time I think about it.)

How's THAT for romantic comedy?

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone.

Until next time,

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