Friday, February 4, 2011

February Resolution Check

We're just over halfway into the first week of a new month! How's everyone coming on their 2011 Goals/Resolutions? I, for one, have some work to do.

Here's an update on my progress (or lack thereof in some cases) thus far.


1. Drop BMI by 3%.

I haven't been doing well with working out over the last month. However, I've fnished up some very large projects at work and have re-committed myself to this goal. I started up P90X again last Friday and made it through week 1 with a smile on my face (and a groan as my muscles ache while I try to walk up and down stairs).

2. Run a 5k.

I haven't been keeping up with the Couch to 5k program after the second week. I may need to start bringing workout clothes to work and doing these three workouts during the week on my lunch break. That's a lot of working out if you add in the P90X workouts! Whew, I'm tired just thinking about it!!

3. Maintain a consistently healthy diet

HAHAHAHA! I am doing better at this, but I'm still a work in progress by far in this area. We just went to Five Guys on Wednesday...whoops. However, I did turn down Chipotle Friday today. I'm ok with one terrible meal per week, although with the Superbowl coming up, Sunday has been dubbed Fry Fest II....ugh....

4. Eat lunch brought from home four days per week. Eat dinner at home 6 nights per week.

We've actually been doing pretty well at this! Score 1 for MFW!


1. Pay off credit card.

I'm sticking to the monthly goal I've set to get this paid off on time. Score 2!

2. Stick to a budget

Still room for improvement here, too, but I did learn a lot in the month of January on different things I can do to save more money. The amount I spent on eating out in January was quite a bit less than December, so yay me!

3. Open a college savings account for 'Lil Bit and contribute $100 every month.
Contributions are automatic, so this one is super easy!


1. Obtain Cisco Certified Networking Associate certification. Deadline - 1/19/11.

FAILURE. I haven't done it yet. I could whine about how crazy work has been, but I won't. New deadline - 3/15.

2. Finish my Associate's degree.

On track!

3. Obtain VMware Certified Professional certificate. Deadline - 12/31/11

Need to find a training course and get it scheduled.


1. Write more.

Considering I haven't posted here for three weeks, it's just not a good sign. It's hard to find time to write. Sad panda.

2. Find a reliable babysitter!

The Hunk and I had our first date for the year on 1/29, which just happened to be for our first anniversary! YAY!

Checking up on these goals every month is going to be a great way to hold myself accountable. I'd love to hear about your progress, too!

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