Friday, December 17, 2010

Paying it Forward at Pump 15

Have you ever noticed that holidays tend to bring out either the best or the worst in people. The Hunk isn't typically a fan of Christmas due to its commercialization and the stress people wear on their faces or spit out in vile phrases because they've overspent, can't find a Sing-a-long Pal or whatever the hot toy is, or simply can't afford to provide their kids the Christmas they wish they could. I, however, love this time of year, and I was reminded of one reason why yesterday morning.

It was a typical Thursday morning. 'Lil Bit and I rushed out of house, only to find that the gas light came on as I was pulling out of the driveway. Oh great. I was already later than I wanted to be. I made a mad dash to the QT just down the street from our house. Once I got out of the car, I swiped my debit card, only to find that it didn't seem to be working. Suddently, I noticed that the little screen said "Prepaid $25." Thinking I was about to rip someone off and not wanting someone else to pull up to the pump and rip whomever off, I got 'Lil Bit out of the car and went inside. The clerk informed me that the customer before me instructed him to tell the next person that went to Pump 15 "Merry Christmas" and said that it was my lucky day. How damn cool is that?

I, in turn, did the same for the next patron. Wouldn't it be cool if it lasted all day long? I sure think so!

There really ARE decent people left, as scarce as they may seem. They're the ones that don't steal the coins and dollars out of the Salvation Army buckets they man at the retail shops. They're the ones that call up the local radio stations and selflessly donate a couple hundred bucks so a stranger can make rent and get their child a winter coat. They're the ones that spend hours organizing and managing the toy drives, the food drives, and ways for soldiers to send a story for their kids back at home. They're the ones that prepay at the gas station, not knowing who is going to pull up next. Maybe, just maybe, the person after me was a single mom or a college student or someone that needed just a little help. And even if they did the same thing I did and decided to "pay it forward", maybe in the very least, I gave them a small reminder about the GOOD that holidays can bring out in others.

Merry Christmas, everyone!

Until next time,

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