Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wiping off the Dust

Hello, friends! I'm so sorry for the delay in posting. My multifaceted adventures have been plentiful as of late, thus preventing me from keeping up with the blog. At any rate, I'm back, and I have much to tell!

Coming up...

'Lil Bit Turns One
We are Experiencing Technological Difficulties
Adventures in Siding Shopping

So stay tuned!

Until next time,

Monday, September 14, 2009

Meet Me On the Equinox

I heard Death Cab for Cutie's new single, "Meet Me on the Equinox" for the first time this morning. LOVED it.

Completely unrealated to the song but just as cool - no, make that COOLER - than the song is the fact that 'Lil Bit's birthday is next Tuesday, which happens to be the day of the autumnal equinox. An equinox is defined as either of two times of the year when the sun crosses the plane of the earth's equator and day and night are of equal length. I can tell you that day and night didn't matter during that time. :)

We're going to have her birthday party this Sunday at our house. She will be surrounded by family, food, and a (hopefully) pretty butterfly cake. Had I been thinking properly, I might have chosen to go along with an equinox/fall theme, but I think the butterflies will look really nice, and if you think about it, it fits with the first year of life. You bring home a tiny pink bundled up so tightly, it almost looks like they're in a cacoon. Like this:

Next thing you know, they're spreading their wings and starting to fly all around the house:

Next week, when the sun is perched at its highest peak, we will be celebrating our 'Lil Bit.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Oh LAWD! Very random post for a random-feeling day.

I was flipping through blogs when I came across the most disgusting, disturbing thing EVER.

I can't even tell you about it. It wasn't like "two girls, one cup" gross, but it was close. It was definitely not something I should have seen, especially while at work. I am scarred.

I think I'm a prude when it comes to things on the internet. And I'm ok with that.

This morning, I noticed something interesting on my way to work. The homeless guys that normally stand on Broadway and I-35 have been replaced by men holding signs that say, "HAVE A GREAT DAY!" Now, they could have been homeless as well, but they sure didn't seem like it. I wonder what happened to the other men...

The Hunk and I have a date on Sunday! It doesn't happen often since we are busy being parents and all, so I'm really excited.

I have been listening to Verve Pipe's "Photograph" all day. I'm afraid to look at the count, but I'm sure it is upwards of 20 times.

I'm completely convinced that Chipotle has healing powers. I've been battling a bit of a stomach bug the last few days, even missed two days of work (except for coming in at 4am the other morning...being on-call sucks). Today, I'm feeling better, and I think it's largely due to eating Chipotle for lunch. Yes, I realize it was risky to eat something so heavy, but dang it I was hungry after not wanting to eat for a couple of days. There are few things in life better than a burrito bol. I managed to make it through almost half of it. And now I'm really starting to feel better. Coincidence? No way.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Ghost of Relationships Past

In every relationship, there is a ghost of relationships past. It may manifest itself in many different ways - jealousy issues, trust issues, an ex-girlfriend that won't stop calling or e-mailing....

...or... if you're lucky enough to miss all that drama, it may manifest in the form of a the shape of a cat....

Yes, this friendly looking feline planter is on display in my house, and yes, it used to belong to The Hunk's ex-girlfriend.

Why would I possibly still have the thing when I could have easily "accidentally" broken it during the move we made last month? Because the only true way to conquer a ghost is to take away its power by acknowledging it and learning to live with it. It serves as an omen as well because I think we're very lucky that this is really the only ghost we have.

Oh, and this cat is funny. Check out the limp wrist. The Hunk occasionally mimics the limp-wristed pose and proclaims, "Gay cat! MEOW!" Oh, how he makes me giggle and snort.

The Bacon explosion stomach!

Behold the Bacon Explosion:

Not sure what you're seeing? Oh, it's a small newborn baby sized mound of sausage, bacon, and bbq sauce. Sounds heavenly, right?

This past Sunday was The Hunk's birthday. His best friend brought him a Bacon Explosion for his birthday. We couldn't believe our eyes. It was true and we didn't even have to make it. But if YOU want to, the recipe is at

We made plans to cook the Bacon Explosion the following night. I'm fairly certain that The Hunk dreamed about the night ahead, much like children dream about Santa's visit the night before Christmas. I, on the other hand, was scared.

As Monday night arrived, the whole family got ready to experience the Bacon Explosion, even 'Lil Bit!

Don't worry, no babies were harmed in this experiment. That is pureed green beans all over her face, not bacon grease. HA!

If you're not completely wrapped up in the moment like we were, take a look at this "classic" father-daughter moment:

Yes, The Hunk wanted a picture with his daughter and the newborn baby sized mound of meat. How much more manly can ya get?!

As the Bacon Explosion was warming in the oven (it comes pre-smoked), Cool Asian Guy arrived. We waited and waited, antsy with anticipation. Finally, it was time.

Don't they look excited?

CAG (Cool Asian Guy) was given the task of carving up the roll of bacon-y splendor.

This is the inside of the Bacon Explosion:

Birthday Boy, aka The Hunk, took the first bite:

By now you're all wondering, "So how was it?" Imagine biting into a greasy block of salt. Oh it was not good, and about halfway into the slice, I was breaking out into a sweat. Maybe my heart was about to stop? Maybe my blood pressure was going haywire due to all the sodium? MAYBE BOTH!

Despite the fact that it really wasn't as decadent as we had all imagined, I'm glad we got to experience such a novelty. We had a ton of fun and laughed until our stomachs hurt...or was that another explosion?

Until next time,