Monday, January 10, 2011

The Bakon Taste Test and Deep Fried Fest

Last night, CAG came over to watch some football. It's the first time he's been over since giving us the bacon-themed Christmas presents, so last night was THE night. That's right, we tried the Bakon.

The Hunk was just about giddy as he poured our samplings into three shot glasses. It was adorable. What's the first thing you do when you try a new beverage, food, perfume, or, well, almost anything? You smell it. Imagine the normal fiery vodka smell mixed with that of dog treats and you've got Bakon. At that point, I figured this was not going to be a totally pleasant experience. Still... bottoms up!

At first, it wasn't bad. You just got the taste of vodka. Then, as it settled on your taste buds, you got a one, two punch in the face of something reminiscent of what you'd imagine Beggin' Strips to taste like. I was right, less than pleasant. Luckily, I had a Diet Coke with Lime on standby (which, btw, if you haven't tried it, it's tasty, much better than Bakon).

Do you think this stopped The Hunk? Nope. He concocted a Bakon Bloody Mary of sorts. Gross. He tried to get me to taste it. He even went so far as to say that I could not legitimately blog about the experience without tasting his application of the Bakon vodka. PSHAW!

Later that night, The Hunk and CAG broke out the Butterball Indoor Electric Turkey Fryer. They fried everything they could pillage out of the freezer - chicken nuggets, tater tots, shrimp, taquitos, flautas, and egg rolls. I think there was more but that's all I can remember. I'm surprised they didn't manage to find a way to fry up some Bakon. Or bacon. Oh, no....I should not have said that. Now, The Hunk is going to read this and come home only to demand that we fry some bacon. What have I done?!

At any rate, the tots were delicious. If I ever end up in a situation where I need to declare a last meal, that's what I want. Tater tots. And tacos. And a margarita, NOT made with Bakon.

While the Bakon may have been a flop and I may have ended up with a stomach ache from consuming so much grease in a short amount of time, it sure is nice to have people to experience these things with.

Until next time,