Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Lil Bit is 2

This post comes just shy of being two weeks late... sorry, folks, that's what motherhood, school, and work do to me. They tear me away from blogging and sharing life with the world. Darn you, obligations!

Anyway, yeah, so Lil Bit turned 2 on September 22nd. Amazing, isn't it? We were fortunate enough to be able to fly The Hunk's parents out to celebrate with us, so she got to hang out with much of the extended family and got a lot of great new toys. Our living room looks like Toys R Us blew up in it!

I took her to the pediatrician for her checkup last week. She was not pleased about getting shots, nor was she even happy when she got bandaids. Not even the shiny one would do! She ripped them off and yelled, "NO STICKERS!" as she threw them at the poor nurse. I couldn't stop laughing. When she calmed down I asked her if she wanted to go bye-bye. "Yes, mama, I go bye-bye NOW." She was never so excited to go to daycare. :) For the record, she's average size and hitting all of the milestones she should be plus some. The doctor said she's speaking incredibly well for her age. Way to go, Lil Bit!

Lil Bit is by far the coolest thing I've ever had any part of making. Seeing her grow over the past two years has been incredibly rewarding. From the first moment I saw her and freaked out that it took her a few seconds to cry to hearing her sing her ABCs, I knew that being a mom, HER mom, would be wicked awesome. And it totally is.