Friday, December 11, 2009

Busy and lazy at the same time?

I didn't know it was possibly to be really busy, yet feel incredibly lazy all at the same time, but it seems that's the case as of late.

The semester is coming to a close. I rocked the final in my networking class, which was a great feeling. Had I flunked it, I would have felt very insecure about my current job lol. Now I just need to work on my final paper for my writing class. Blech.

My company is gearing up for our big move next week. It has been crazy busy. We'll be putting in wicked terrible hours next week and next weekend I'm sure. I'll be so happy when it's over.

So, yeah, that is the productive side. But with all of THAT going on, I'm staring December in the face with NO Christmas tree. I did not and probably will not make any Christmas cookies or send Christmas cards. The tree might make it up this weekend, but if it doesn't, I give up.

One would think that having 'Lil Bit around would fuel my Christmas spirit, but she'll probably tear all of the decorations off the bottom half of tree and/or knock it down anyway.

Sadly, I've also been procrastinating on final details in the wedding planning, including getting my dress altered. I should really get on that, lest I want to trip and fall or have a wardrobe malfunction.

I feel like this post is super I'll stop rambling and leave you with this picture. It's a geeky throwback to some "old" technology. You would not believe how many of these were in our server room....